
Check out our apps!

Numerology | נומרולוגיה: מחשבון נומרולוגיה וגימטריה

A new numerology calculator that will help you see if there is a balance between one's birth date and first name. 

This calculator is based on Kabballah and works best for Jewish names.

Ontario Lottery Numbers Picker. Random numbers.

Have you ever wanted to play the OLG’s various lottery games but didn't know which numbers to pick? Use this app to generate random numbers!

From the main page, click on the lottery game you want to play, and a set of random numbers will appear. You can refresh and choose new numbers.

Generate random numbers for Lotto 6/49, Lottario, Lotto Max and more.

Simple App Locker

The name says it all - a simple app that will help you lock some or all of your apps so no-one else will be able to use them! Great to keep kids away from your important apps.

Simply start the app, create a pattern password and you will be able to swipe and lock or unlock the apps as desired.

Hate ads? Consider the Premium version of Simple App Lock. For a small one-time fee, you will be able to remove ads forever and choose from other pre-set backgrounds.

Ace Wins!

Ace Wins!
A simple 3 cards game.
Click to uncover an Ace to win a point.
If you uncovered a King, you will lose a point.
The cards are shuffled randomly after each round.
Have Fun!